2023 Accounting Profession Rankings:
Primexis affirms its place in the TOP 30

La Profession Comptable magazine has just published the 2023 Accounting Profession Rankings in France. Primexis stands out and affirms its prominent position among the best accounting firms in France.
Primexis proudly maintains its spot in the 2023 Accounting Profession Rankings in France, published by La Profession Comptable magazine, by appearing in the prestigious TOP 30 out of the 250 firms mentioned (excluding Organisme de Gestion Agréé).
This recognition highlights our expertise and rewards our teams’ dedication. A huge thank you to our clients for their loyalty and trust! Bravo to our teams who have earned this trust! We are proud of this collective success.
LEA Global, an international association of independent firms, affirms its 5th place ranking among international associations and their French members. Primexis has been a member of this prestigious association since 2009.
The complete ranking is available here.