Primexis wins LEA award

Primexis Wins “Best Recruitment and Retention”
Leading Edge Alliance Conference * November 9, 2015 — Miami

On October 20 of this year, Primexis was the proud recipient of the ‘Best Recruitment and Retention Award’ at the Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) Conference held in Miami, Florida.
The award recognized initiatives that have been implemented at Primexis after conducting an employee survey among its 300 employees last April. The survey results led the senior management team to work with ‘Happy At Work’ a consulting company specialized in reviewing employee satisfaction surveys and helping companies define pro-active human resources policy changes and actions.
For six months, the firm engaged in discussions defining its core values and the pillars of its employer brand, which were then rolled out and explained at an all staff meeting held on November 25. The arrival of a new human resources manager allowed an acceleration of the implementation of these principles on a daily basis: in recruitment practices, in welcoming and integrating new staff, internal mobility, participation in topic forums…
Above all, this award encourages Primexis to maintain its efforts to place its staff, its human resources, at the very center of its business strategies. The recognition by LEA of Primexis’s work was a milestone of achievement in an area which will be one of ongoing focus for the firm.
* Founded in 1999, the Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) is the second largest international alliance of major independent Law, Accounting, and Consulting firms. Present on 4 continents and in more than 106 countries, its 220 members employ 23,000 professionals and represent a consolidated sales of more than $ 3 billion. Primexis has been a member of the Leading Edge Alliance since 2009.